3018 Spindle motor overcurrent for >5sec. overload tripped.

This error will display if the load on the spindle is high for more than 5 seconds, during which time the programmed feedrate will be reduced to ease the load but not sufficiently to overcome the problem.

a) Check the condition of the cutter in use at the time of the error and that the programmed speed and feedrate are not too high for the cutter and material.

b) Monitor the spindle load meter whilst machining; if the load meter keeps below 100% and the 3017 error displays on the control, then the 'Excess Current Detector' needs adjusting (Pot 4 on the detector unit facia). It should be set at about 60%.

c) With the spindle stopped check for 24 volts at terminals 400 and 401 with a voltmeter (TB7 in the Shackleton Drive Unit). If there is no 24 volts, indicator-fuse 4 (in the power distribution panel) may be faulty. If there is 24 volts at terminal 400 but not at terminal 401 then the excess current relay is faulty. If there is 24 volts at both 400 and 401 then the fault lies from terminal 401 through to Plug 2, Pin-A and the 'Digital Input Board' in the control. Switch off the control and transpose the 'DI' boards situated in the lower rack to the left. Power-up the machine. If the fault disappears, or a different unrelated error code shows-up, then the 'DI' board is faulty and a replacement is required. If the same error code persists switch off the machine, remove plug 2 and check the continuity from pin-A to terminal 401. There may be a spare wire in the cable loom to utilize if wire 401 appears to be broken. If the wiring is O.K. the fault may be with the 'Watchdog' board (WD 50x) in the control or corruption of the memory. If another control is available the 'Watchdog' boards can be exchanged to test. If the memory is to be reloaded remember to punch-out programme and tool information first (although an up to date back-up tape should always be held).

d) If the error persists even when not machining, put the spindle into high gear range by manually programming M19 then M05. The spindle should then be free to turn from the spindle nose. If it is free to turn the spindle motor should be checked: brushgear, armature and windings. 

e) If the spindle is tight or feels rough, the gearbox, drawbar, bearings or motor may be at fault. Remove any tool from the spindle before continuing. 

f) With the machine switched off block-up the headstock, remove the gearbox top cover (connected to the counterbalance piston) to gain access to the gears. Manually shift the sliding gear to a neutral position and turn the spindle motor by the coupling on the end of the motor shaft. If the motor turns freely the fault lies in the headstock. If the motor is tight it should be removed for repair or replacement.

g) If the spindle is tight the cause can be traced by elimination, first removing the drawbar assembly, then the keylock assembly complete with the manifold and finally the spindle assembly.