3019 Spindle lubrication failure.
Sheet 4 Plug 2 Pin-H
This error is caused by a flow switch mounted in the spindle lubrication circuit adjacent to the oil pump on the rear of the headstock.
a) First determine if there is sufficient lubrication reaching the gearbox. Check the gearbox oil-level in the sight-glass on the left-hand side of the spindle nose. Top-up if necessary. Disconnect one of the nylon lubrication pipes routed to the top of the gearbox. Run the spindle for a few seconds and monitor the flow of oil from the disconnected pipe into a container. If there is a good flow of oil from the pipe the switch is probably faulty and go to paragraph (c). If the flow of oil is slow or sporadic then the pump, drive gear or oil filter are at fault.
b) Remove and clean or replace the oil filter; if the oil flow is still slow remove the pump and check the security of the two drive gears, replacing the keys and grub-screws if necessary. Dismantle the flow switch and clean any debris from around the spring-loaded actuator. If the oil flow hasn't improved the pump will need replacing.
c) Dismantle the flow switch and clean any debris from around the spring-loaded actuator. Use a multimeter to check if the switch is working, moving the actuator manually checking the resistance across the switch contacts. If the resistance is high or the switch isn't operating, it will need replacing.